Weekly Plan Research and Evaluate.
Week beginning date: 25th November
Plan: Presentation
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
This week I will be planning my presentation proposal for my project 2 that I will be presenting to the class about my involvement in open evening and my plan for my event.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
For my event I will be working in a group with Frank and Scott. We will have to use social platforms to find venuses and book them, we will also need to use websites such as Canva to create posters to get our event recognised.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
About 1-2h each task
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
We will be looking at venues to do our event at such as Coast Cafe, Bar 42 and Escape/Tangerine
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
The presentation to the class went well, we got some good feedback, which has helped us move forward with our event and the planning for the event also went well. Next week we will focus on what our event is going to be and looking at venues.
Week beginning date: 3rd December
Plan: Event planning
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
This week my group will be looking at a rough design for our logo and will be calling up coast cafe to see if they are able to have our event at their venue and if it will cost any money.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
We will need to use social media to find a phone number to call the venue, and I will be working with my group to find the best place for our rewind night.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Around 30 minutes on calling the venues and around 2h on the coursework.
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
We will be looking at playlists as we have decided on making a rewind night so we will look at music from that genre and put it on spotify. We will also look at graphic designs for our logo.
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
We arranged a meeting with Coast Cafe to discuss our event, however, it will cost £200 so we decided to cancel this meeting and look into Bar 42 as they have links with the college and would probably not be as costly. We have also started looking at a graphic design logo for our event and looked at different music that we would want to be played on the night that will go with the context of the event. Next week we will have arranged another meeting that we will go to and try and get a date for our event.
Week beginning date: 10th December
Plan: venues
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
We plan on looking at making a website for our events management platform where we will talk about ourselves and where we can put pictures and information of events that we will have done. We also are going to work on finalising a logo and picking a name for our company.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
I will be working with my group and we will need to use WiX to make our website and Canva to design our logo. We will also make an event page on Facebook where we can promote our upcoming event.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Around 3h on all of this
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
We will research some more venues as a backup as we have had to cancel the meeting with Coast and we will make sure that we have everything sorted for what we want our event to be and if we need to buy anything for the event such as equipment, however, we think that can be sorted by the venue or college - so we need to find this infomation out.
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
This week we managed to get another meeting with bar 42 instead of Coast, however the meeting got canceled so we had to reschedule the meeting for another day, this will possibly set us back a bit with our work as we won't be able to produce the posters or add an event page as we haven't got a date for the event. What went well this week: the logo is finalised and we have decided on a name for our group which is ‘vibes events’ which gives the audience a sense of events that will be fun, we also made a logo that is vibrant and simple. We started on a website for our group where we can put information on all the events we take part in.
Next week we will, hopefully, have been to a meeting at Bar 42 or have found another venue so that we can start on getting the event promoted.
Week beginning date: Tuesday 7th January
Plan: Event
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
This week, now that we have a date for the event, I plan on making posters and flyers to hand out and put up around the college to promote it at Bar 42, this way we will entice people from around the college to come to the event.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
I will need to use https://www.canva.com to create the poster as I feel Im confident in knowing how to use it. I will include different colours to make it eye catching and bold writing so that the information is easy to read from a distance.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Around an hour on making the poster and sending it to be printed.
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
I will research other posters and events that have been held at Bar 42 to get ideas on what kind of poster to make and what to add on the facebook event.
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
This week I have created the poster for our event, and sent it to reprographics to be printed ,so that we can put it up around college and hand it out to people. We have also created an event page on Facebook so that it can be added to Bar 42’s page for promotion.
Week beginning date: 20th January 2020
Plan: Project
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
This week I plan on putting posters up around the college and adding to our Rewind Facebook page so that I can promote the event as much as possible. I also plan on adding to my WiX page about research we have done for planning our event and adding pictures.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
I will need to use my WiX page and I will also have to use the college equipment to get my posters printed and the campus to put up posters and flyers.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Around 2h altogether possibly longer on coursework
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
For this week we are going to hand flyers to Bar 42 so they can advertise our event and put posters up to promote the Rewind night.
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
We all have handed out flyers and put up posters around the college and every day for a week posted on our Facebook page to engage with the audience. I have also added to my WiX page about the christmas party, weekly diaries and research for our Event. Next week I will think about other activities and planning that we can do for the Rewind night so that we are all ready for the day and have made it the best we can. I would make sure that if I were to do things differently, that as a group we all agree with each others' ideas and we all know what each individual will be doing throughout the week - this will stop duplication.
Week beginning date: 3rd February 2020
Plan: last planning
What tasks will you plan to do this week?
This week I will make final and complete planning for our Event. I will look at other possible DJs to perform on the night, I will also look at finishing my coursework by adding pictures from research and planning. I will look at other websites to promote my event on and post more on my Instagram page. I will sort playlists into different genres and make a spotify playlist. I will arrange a meeting with my group and DJs to discuss ideas. I will also need to go to my event early to make sure it's all set up and ready for when we start.
What resources will you need? (include people to work with and materials/equipment etc)
I will need to use the internet to research platforms to post my event on to. I will also need to work with my group to set up the event and communicate with others to make any arrangements using a group chat that we have set up on facebook messenger.
Roughly how much time do you expect each task to take?
Around 4h completing everything for this project.
Research Activity:
What research will you carry out this week. This can include activities (e.g testing things out) as well as reading, questionnaires etc. Add links to any research this week.
I will use the internet to find platforms to post my event on. I will also need to use Facebook to talk to DJs and my group and maybe to make arrangements with Bar 42.
What did you achieve this week? What went well? What would you do differently?
What will you need to think about for next week?
This week I finished my coursework by adding pictures, links, and proofreading. I also went to my event to set up and stayed there throughout the night. This was successful and turned out all in all a very good night, however, if I were to do this again I would make sure I had more than one DJ for definite and made sure things were ready on time, I also would have done the facebook page differently and have had different music as the 90s is not my paticular genre of music, although it was fun on the night.