Section 1: Rationale (Approx 100 words)
A reflection on your strengths, skills and achievements previously gained and evaluate your choice of pathway or specialism .
On my previous projects I have gained various skills such as being able to use social media websites like Canva for making graphic designs to help me when creating events. I have also developed many strengths in organising events, for example I created a 90's night at Bar 42 which helped me in understanding different skills to make the night as successful as possible. For my final Major Project I am confident at trying my best working to create an event for our MET Fest. Some ideas I have come up with are to create an Escape room by using a few rooms at college that are lockable so that people can be locked in and then solve different puzzles to get out.
Section 2: Project Concept (approx 200 words)
An outline of your project including details of collaborations, venue, equipment, industry context and other related considerations.
For my final major Project I am going to be working on an event for MET Fest which will involve creating an Escape room. To make this successful I will need to collaborate with students to help set up and create props, I will also need to work with teachers to see what is available at college to help with this Project. I will need to find a few lockable rooms that can be used and decorated for the Escape room so that we can have the key hidden that unlocks the next room. Equipment I will need is props to decorate the room for example maps on the walls, pictures and desks with drawers that riddles and puzzles can be found in. I would also need Walky Talkys so that people in the escape room can talk to students outside the escape room for clues if they are stuck or if not another way for them to contact people outside the Escape room. I will also need to get a timer so that we can time how long people are in there to see if they escape on time or not and if they dont they can get a certificate for losing and if they win they can get a prize that could be a ticket allowing free entry to a theatre show or something else. I will also be working on helping a student on their event of making a tea party, I will be creating posters for this and helping with art work and any other things that he will need help with. Lastly I will be ushering at the Theatre on the 14th of March and creating an event outside of college at the Cellar Arts club for my Mums birthday, this will involve getting DJs for the event, finalising the music and making a Facebook event page so that people invited can respond and plan for the day.
Section 3: Evaluation (approx 50 words)
An explanation of how you will document your reflection and evaluation of your project as it progresses based on your preferred mode(s) of communication.
To document my Project I am going to be using my wix website this is where all my work is going to be found. I will also look at my plans and make sure that I am up to date with all of my work and weekly dates. I will also get feedback from others to make sure I have included everything that I need to and so that I can improve my work to the best of my ability.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
A list of sources where you intend to research e.g. Tutorial videos, interviews, books, magazines, internet searches etc. The bibliography should be continuously updated as the project progresses. (2020). [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Mar. 2020].
Treasure Trails. (2020). Treasure Trails. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Mar. 2020].
2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 March 2020].
Lock Paper Scissors. 2020. 55 Handpicked DIY Escape Room Puzzle Ideas That Create Joy & Mystery. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 March 2020]. 2020. Action bound. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 March 2020].
Project Action Plan and Timetable
Timeline of realistic benchmark dates for different sections of the project e.g. rehearsals, recording, written work, management, web development, marketing, etc. leading up to the final deadline.
25th February :
I will research different escape rooms online and see what escape rooms are like in my area.
I will use the Internet to do this and take pictures and notes of what I find out from this research.
3rd March:
I intend on speaking to Terry about ideas I have and thinking of other ideas for MET Fest in case my original plan doesn't work.
I will need to speak to staff about my ideas so that I can be pointed in the right direction of who to speak to that can help me with my project and I will need to use the internet for research and my notes to write down ideas.
10th March:
I intend on speaking to staff that can help me with ideas of an escape room and looking at rooms around the college that I can use. Once I have found a room I will speak to Donna and Terry to see if I can use them. I will also look into lighting and making a soundtrack for the room.
I will need to research more on escape rooms and speak to actors and design students to see if they are able to collaborate with me on my project. I will possibly need lighting for the room so I need to speak to Steve Lewis about that. and maybe charlie for any music equipment I might need.
17th March:
I intend on getting fabric that I can paint and hang up on the walls of the room and find props from a charity shop or from college that I can use as decorations.
I will need to use google docs to document my ideas and also write them down on my notebook so that I can tick off what needs completing.
24th March:
I intend on making puzzles and clues in the escape room and maybe going to see an escape room in person to help me get ideas for how to set it out. I will also start to get material I need.
I will need to use the internet to find an escape room near me so that I can visit it to give me ideas on what sort of puzzles and questions they use and where clues are hidden so I can incorporate this into my escape room
31st March :
I intend on decorating the room with an apocalypse theme. having sound effects and red lighting to make it more creepy and decorating walls with red paint splatters on fabric and writing. I will also need props that can be found in charity shops.
I will need to find material and equipment from around the college that I am able to use for the escape room. and research how to make props for an escape room.
7th April:
I intend on making posters for my event and putting them around the college and online and helping with posters for Franks event which I am collaborating with once I have got all the information I need.
I will need to use canva to create posters for both events. I will be thinking of having an apocalypse themed poster for the escape room. For Franks tea party I will also match the poster with the theme of the event.
14th April:
I also intend on working outside of college setting up a birthday party at the cellar arts club in worthing. I will be creating an event page on facebook and getting DJs and setting it up. Other than working on this I will start to set up the room for MET Fest I intend on it running for a few days.
I will need to collaborate with Frank on setting up the escape room like getting all the material on the walls and lighting and sound working. I will also need to test this out a few times to make sure this works. I also hope to have actors dressed up and having a meeting point set up so they can meet visitors and tell them a storyline before they come into the room. So I will make sure this is all set up and ready and everyone knows what they are doing.
21st April:
For the final day I will make sure that signs are out directing visitors where to go and that the actors are dressed and ready. and again everything in the escape room is working.
I will then be taking note of how well the first day of the MET fest goes so that I can improve anything that doesn't work for the next day. I will also be documenting the whole process and uploading it onto my wix page and instagram page.